Our Projects

Nepal Adventure Trips
Every year The Horizon Project takes a team of volunteers across to Nepal; have you considered coming with us?
Our trips to Nepal are full of fun and adventure; giving volunteers the opportunity to be involved in a variety of programs like medical camps in remote areas, assist in the construction of new building projects, visiting our new Church partner campuses and of course enjoying the culture with some tourist activities.
It is our prayer that as everyone experiences the culture of this fantastic country and connect to our beautiful hosts that they will be inspired to continue to be involved in and support The Horizon Projects fight against injustice and poverty and to partner with us in reaching the unreached people groups with the gospel of Jesus.
If you’d like to know more about our next trip, please fill in the contact form below.

Child Sponsorship
Since 2009, The Horizon Project has been working in partnership with the Mamta Childcare Trust (MCCT) in Nepal. MCCT was established in 2004 and is a Nepalese registered NGO that works with government and the local church to provide care for children who are found to be in child labour, orphaned or at high risk of exploitation due to extreme poverty.
In December 2010 we launched our child sponsorship program which aims to provide financial support to all children cared for by MCCT.
At The Horizon Project we are passionate about ensuring children can remain in their natural family community, whilst catering to the child’s individual needs. In situations where the children no longer have family surviving, or in situations where it is deemed unsafe for them to return to their family, we provide opportunities through community based care systems where the children can remain in a safe, loving foster care family while receiving sponsorship for their educational and daily needs.
Children who are waiting to find a permanent local family are welcomed at MCCT, where they are cared for and receive an excellent education. When their new home is ready, the children are then resettled back into their natural family community.
An Academic Scholarship Program exists to allow the children receiving care from MCCT to continue onto tertiary education, providing a pathway for well-equipped young Christians to influence their local communities and help put an end to the cycle of poverty. Individuals, churches and academic organizations in Australia are encouraged to give towards this program.
THP has also supported the construction of a new home for the MCCT family, which in 2014 was built on private, secure land, situated on the outskirts of the Kathmandu valley. This home helps provide the consistency, safety and security every child deserves.
At present, Australian families sponsor the 20 children of the MCCT home.
At THP we guarantee that 100% of the sponsorship money goes to the MCCT where it is solely utilised for the physical, educational, emotional and spiritual care of the children.
Letters can be sent from the Australian sponsor to the child and a letter in return from the child can be expected. Updated photos of the sponsored child and the MCCT family will be sent as often as possible.
Sponsors can send children birthday and Christmas gifts and it is possible to organise opportunities to meet the child and the rest of the MCCT family.
Have you considered sponsoring a child today? If you’d like to register for sponsorship please fill in the contact form below.

Academic Sponsorship
An Academic Scholarship Program has been created to allow the children from our welfare children’s home to continue onto tertiary education, providing a pathway for educated, influential young Christians to rise up in Nepal. This is currently being established in partnership with local Australian Schools.
Five young people who have come through MCCT have been supported by the Academic Sponsorship Program. They have completed qualifications in professions such as nursing, medical assistance, social welfare and hotel management.
We are seeking Australian sponsors who would like to be involved in assisting more young adults to achieve their dreams and influence their communities through tertiary education.
Have you considered sponsoring a young adult through university?
To partner with us, please fill in the contact form below.

Medical Jeep
For years, THP fieldworkers have dreamt of having a jeep to provide medical care for people in remote areas of Nepal where medical assistance is not available.
Throughout 2016 and 2017, The Horizon Project together with our funding partners raised over AU$60,000 to purchase a medical jeep.
Many people have to hike for hours through mountainous terrain just to receive basic medical care. We partner with medical professionals like general practitioners, paediatricians, dentists, pharmacists, midwives and nurses who are passionate about providing assistance to people who have health concerns.
Our heart is to care for people and show them the love, hope and grace of Jesus Christ in the midst of poverty.
In April 2018 and 2019, our Nepal Adventure team were part of the medical camp helping to provide medical care to over eight hundred people in just two days. What an incredible experience it was for the entire team.
If you’d like to donate to the medical camps click on the “Donate Now” button below.
If you’d like to be a part of our next trip to Nepal you can fill in the contact form below.

Family Sponsorship
At each of our South Asian churches there is a local Pastor and in some cases, an assistant Pastor. Like in Australia our Pastors in South Asia have families to provide for – and THP Australia has pledged to support our Pastors and provide them with a decent wage. This enables them to not only provide for their family but it means they can focus their time and energy on building Gods church, reaching out to those who are yet to hear about Jesus and building up a team that is empowered to reach their potential and fulfil their purpose in God.

Multipurpose Community Hub
In January 2016 our Nepali Pastors along with their launch team started Generocity Church Kathmandu, Nepal. So many lives have been changed and impacted by the love, grace and hope of Jesus Christ. We are currently raising funds towards the Multipurpose Community Hub in Kathmandu; this will allow for greater avenues for the members of Generocity Church to enrich the community they are a part of.
We’d love for you to partner with us. If you like to give towards the construction of the multipurpose community hub you can donate below.
If you’d like to host an event to raise money please fill in the contact form below.

Church Planting In South Asia
Since the 1980’s The Horizon Project has been supporting churches in South Asia, beginning with one small church many years ago our work has expanded into nearly 15 churches in 10 different locations that actively seek to provide spiritual, medical, economic and educational support to the diverse communities they belong to.
While there is no doubt that South Asia has seen economic growth in recent years there is, unfortunately, another often hidden side to the story where poverty, corruption and abuse are all too common.
Many people who attend our churches or access our programs are faced with extreme poverty, some are looked down upon because they belong to a low caste and others face moderate to severe persecution for turning to Christ. On occasions, church members are even ostracised from their families.
At THP we believe in showing people grace and offering them hope so that they may experience a relationship with Jesus Christ and reach their full potential in life. We aim to empower and enable people to live out Gods plan and purpose for their life.
At each of our churches there is a local Pastor and in some cases, an assistant Pastor. Like in Australia our Pastors in South have families to provide for – and THP Australia has pledged to support our Pastors and their families and provide them with a decent wage. This enables them to not only provide for their family but it means they can focus their time and energy on building Gods church, reaching out to those who are yet to hear about Jesus and building up a team that is empowered to reach their potential and fulfil their purpose in God.
Have you thought about partnering with The Horizon Project by sponsoring a family?
100% of all sponsorship is given to each family, assisting them with rent, food, medical care, school fees and any other physical needs they may have.
To find out how you can Sponsor a family today please fill in the contact form below.
Or you can make a donation by clicking the “Donate Now” link below.
Partner with us to create change that remains
Follow the below link to give and help support us financially. You can choose from the various projects we have for where to donate your money.